4 Top Tips on Caring for All-on-4 Implants

While all-on-4 implants are designed to be aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting, they still require proper care and maintenance. Just like natural teeth, implants are susceptible to bacteria and plaque buildup, which can lead to gum disease, infection, and other complications. Neglecting your implant hygiene can lead to implant failure, which can be costly and uncomfortable to fix. 

So, whether you’re a new all-on-4 dental patient or have had your implants for some time, here are some tips from an experienced implant specialist in Bonsall on how to avoid these issues and ensure their longevity. 

What are the tools you should use to clean dental implants?

 Here are some of the essential tools you should use to clean dental implants:What are the tools you should use to clean dental implants

  • Super floss: Designed to reach tight spaces and remove plaque and bacteria buildup 
  • Water pick: An oral irrigator is a device that uses a stream of water to remove food particles and bacteria from hard-to-reach areas.
  • Antibacterial mouthwash: Rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash can help eliminate bacteria and freshen your breath.
  • Rubber tip: Useful for polishing plaque from the bridge surface under and around the bridge.

How to clean all-on-4 dental implants?

Your new smile will last a lifetime by following an effective cleaning routine:

Step 1: Remove food particles from your teeth

Soft toothpicks are ideal for removing food particles stuck on bridges, dentures, or implants. Using them can be particularly effective at removing food caught between your teeth or other areas difficult to reach with a toothbrush alone.

Step 2: Use super floss

A super floss is an excellent tool for cleaning around dental implants because it’s specifically designed to reach tight spaces and remove plaque and bacteria buildup. Unlike traditional floss, which can be challenging to maneuver around implants, super floss has a stiff end that can be threaded through tight spaces, providing easier access to the implant area and under the gum line. So, before going to bed, floss your dentures since food particles can attract bacteria because there is less saliva to wash them away during the night.

Step 4: Rinse your mouth

To finish cleaning your all-on-4 dental implants, rinse your mouth with a non-alcoholic mouthwash. By doing so, you can eliminate bacteria and freshen your breath, promoting overall oral hygiene. This is an extremely important step since it removes food particles from your tongue, within your cheeks, and under your bridge, reducing the risk of harmful bacteria buildup.

Schedule a consultation with the most trusted All-on-4 dental specialists in BonsallHow to clean all-on-4 dental implants

Over time, a variety of factors can lead to dental problems requiring dental work. While the market is overflowing with cheap dental restoration options, implants offer long-term reliability, durability, and a natural appearance like no other. Take control of your dental health and reap the benefits of advanced technology and a hassle-free restoration procedure. 

You can entirely rely on Dr. Tsvetov to guide you along the way and answer any questions you may have. From the most important post-operative tips and guidelines on eating after all-on-4 surgery, he’ll alleviate any worries and concerns you may have. Best of all, we offer a variety of financing and payment options to make your experience as convenient as possible.