L-PRF (Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin)
Oral Surgeon, Dmitry Y. Tsvetov, DDS, MD, Temecula CA
Platelet Fibrin Therapy
Tooth loss and damage to the jaw bone and tissues are often challenging for your dentist during oral surgery or implant placement. Without enough support in the jaw bone, dental implants cannot be immediately stabilized and tissue healing can be a long process. The solution to these and other difficult situations is a new Platelet Therapy created from your own blood. Leukocyte – Platelet Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) changes all the rules as it promotes healing and bone growth from within your own body. Unlike other treatments that use artificial com- ponents, Platelet Therapy with L-PRF uses only your own blood. With a simple blood draw and an advanced technology protocol, L-PRF is individually made for you – from you. The end results are improved healing response and significantly less recovery time.